Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Happy Birthday Keith Haring

By Arthur of Arthur Halvorsen Ceramics

On May 4th it would of been Keith Haring's 54th birthday. When he was alive he totally took on the role as artist as activist. Getting people to think about suck subjects as birth, death, sex and war was the major motivation behind his work. Keith exploded to art stardom in the 80's when his work was featured in numerous galleries and museums all over the world. He became known at first for his chalk drawings in the New York subway, and then moving onto paintings and murals inspired by graffiti street art.

He has been an influence of mine since I was in art school, I love his bold use of lines and the simple gesture line to indicate movement. If you don't know his name then I am sure you know of his work.

Keith died in 1990 falling victim to the AIDS epidemic going on throughout the 80's. I have seen documentaries and read a lot about him and when he did in his short life. I would have loved to have met him and talked to him about his art and what drove him as an art. In the documentaries I have watched he always comes off as such a genuine person really caring about what goes on in the world. Right now at the Brooklyn Museum they are having a retrospective of his work and it is up until July, I hope I get the chance to get to NYC and see it!


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