Senin, 15 September 2014

Monday Mosaic: Pumpkins!

curated by Susanne from enchantedhue

Handwoven Throw Rug by loominationstudio
iPad Ereader Pillow Stand by abigailleigh
Leather and Plaid Cluth by LidaBrookDesigns
Toucan Photo Art Card by jbarrows

The moment we flip the 'August' page on the calendar to 'September', it seems that every imaginable food item turns pumpkin flavored. At least here in New England. It is like somebody took a magic wand and *poof* - pumpkin!

Coffee, cream cheese, ravioli, ice cream, tea - even dog treats!

Since pumpkins have such a warm lovely color, I chose a few Boston Handmade pieces in this enticing shade of orange for you this week. Now you can sit on your rug, iPad propped up to play music, writing a little note to your friend who gave you that nice clutch as a present, all while sipping pumpkin flavored coffee and nibbling on a pumpkin macaron.

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